Contact Us
For questions or more information, please contact Kamil Tamimie, Assistant Director, Training, Outreach, and Data Management.
The following SPaRC’Ed elective courses will be offered during the 2024-2025 program year. SPaRC’Ed electives are open to all research administration staff and are not limited to SPaRC’Ed participants. Elective courses will be offered in a hybrid format allowing for in person attendance in the SPA Training Room (1901 S. First Street, Suite A, Champaign) and online. Please note there are separate registrations for the in-person and remote attendance options. All participants will be required to log into the Zoom session so a laptop or tablet is required when attending courses in person. Elective course registrations are managed through the Ability Learning Management System.
Register for SPaRC'Ed electives (select the Grants and Sponsored Projects option under the course search)
For questions or more information, please contact Kamil Tamimie, Assistant Director, Training, Outreach, and Data Management.